Curriculum Vitae
Meghann Jarchow
Department of Sustainability & Environment
Chair and Associate Professor
University of South Dakota
Institution; Area of Specialization; Degree; Year Earned
Iowa State University; Sustainable agriculture & ecology; Ph.D.; 2012
Minnesota State University, Mankato; Biology; M.S.; 2005
Ripon College; Biology; B.A.; 2002
Institution Position / Title Dates
University of South Dakota Chair (Sustainability & Environment) 2018-present
University of South Dakota Associate Professor 2018-present
University of South Dakota Sustainability Program Coordinator 2012-2018
University of South Dakota Assistant Professor 2012-2018
Iowa State University Graduate Research Assistant 2007-2012
Gustavus Adolphus College Biology Instructor & Laboratory Coordinator 2005-2007
Minnesota State University, Mankato Adjunct Biology Instructor 2006
Minnesota State University, Mankato Graduate Teaching Assistant 2003-2005
2019 Professor of the Game
2018 President’s Award for Research Excellence and Innovation – New or Mid-Career Faculty, University of South Dakota
2018 Professor of the Game
2017 Belbas-Larson Teaching Award nominee, University of South Dakota
2016 Blair and Linda Tremere Faculty Service Award recipient, University of South Dakota
2016 Belbas-Larson Teaching Award nominee, University of South Dakota
2013 Environmental Protection Agency Scientific and Technological Achievement Award honorable mention
2010 Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellowship
2007 Department of Agronomy Research Training Fellowship, Iowa State University
2007 Plant Sciences Institute Fellowship, Iowa State University
A. Courses Taught
SUST 111 Sustainable Society
SUST 201 Sustainability and Society
SUST 203 Sustainability and Science
SUST 489 Sustainability Capstone
SUST 494 Internship
SUST 496 Field Experience
SUST 498 Undergraduate Research
SUST 491 Independent Study
SUST 705 Sustainability and Complexity
SUST 790 Seminar: Sustainability Series
SUST 591, 791 Independent Study
SUST 794 Internship
SUST 798 Thesis
BIOL 798, 898 Thesis/Dissertation Research
B. Funded Grants to Support Teaching and Advising
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "South Dakota Needs Scientists", Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $1,000,000, Funded, October 2017 – September 2022 (Jarchow PI beginning March 2019).
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Community-based Learning Mini-grant", Center for Academic and Global Engagement, The University of South Dakota, $500. Funded, September 2018 – December 2018.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Center for Teaching and Learning Course Redesign Fellowship", Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of South Dakota, $750. Funded, July 2018 – August 2018.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Community-based Learning Mini-grant", Center for Academic and Global Engagement, The University of South Dakota, $500. Funded, February 2018 – May 2018.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Earth Days Keynote Lecture - Dr. Sandra Steingraber", Ceres Trust, Private, $7,500. Funded, September 2016 – May 2017.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Community-based Learning Mini-grant", Center for Academic and Global Engagement, The University of South Dakota, $500. Funded, September 2016 – December 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Teaching & Learning Grant", Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of South Dakota, $750. Funded, September 2016 – December 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Co-Principal), Sweeney, M. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Sustainable Rivers: Integrating Earth Science & Sustainability Across the Curriculum", National Science Foundation, Federal, $43,620. Funded, May 2015 – November 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Co-Principal), Ritter, J. (Co-Principal), Barbanell, E. (Co-Principal), Contract, "An ecosystem services approach to water resource conservation", National Science Foundation through the Science Education Resource Center, Federal, $45,000. Funded, November 2014 – June 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Sustainability & Society Community-Based Learning mini-grant", Center for Academic and Global Engagement, The University of South Dakota, $500. Funded, September 2015 – December 7, 2015.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Travel Grant", Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of South Dakota, $750. Funded, October 2015 – November 2015.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching Improvement Grant", Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of South Dakota, $750. Funded, October 2014 – December 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Center for Teaching and Learning Course Redesign Fellowship", Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of South Dakota, $1,250. Funded, May 2014 – December 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Sustainability & Society Community-Based Learning mini-grant", Center for Academic and Global Engagement, The University of South Dakota, $500. Funded, October 2014 – December 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Gender, Species, and Climate Change", South Dakota Humanities Council, State, $1,000. Funded, November 2014 – December 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Frances Moore Lappe at USD", South Dakota Humanities Council, State, $1,000. Funded, April 2014 – September 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Co-Principal), Hover, C. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Games for Improved Learning in STE(A)M: Sustainability & Science", Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, The University of South Dakota, $19,871. Funded, October 2012 – August 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Transformation Grant", College of Arts & Sciences, The University of South Dakota, $1,000. Funded, May 2014 – August 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Frances Moore Lappe's Living Democracy to Enhance Civic Education in Vermillion", Allene R. Chiesman Fund for Civic Education, The University of South Dakota, $2,000. Funded, April 2014 – June 10, 2014.
C. Graduate Student Mentoring
C1. Doctoral and Masters Students Directed
Andrew Sechrist, M.S. Sustainability, 2019-present
Lindsay Wright, M.S. Sustainability, 2019-present
Morgan Carnes, M.S. Sustainability, 2017-present
Eva Soluk, M.S. Biology, 2015-2018
Adam Warrix, Ph.D. Biology, 2016-2017 (left USD)
Abigail Davis, M.S. Biology, 2013-2016
Alice Millikin, M.S. Biology, 2012-2014
C2. Graduate Student Committees
Elyse Brightman, M.S. Environmental Science, Green Mountain College, 2018-present
Abraham Kanz, M.S. Biology, 2018-present
Nadeesha Illeperuma, M.S. Biology, 2017-present
Gretchen Newberry, Ph.D. Biology, 2014-2018
Drew Davis, Ph.D. Biology, 2013-2018
Balaranjan Selvaratnam, M.S. Chemistry, 2017
Joshua Loebs, M.S. Biology, 2016-2017
Lauren Hennings, M.S. Biology, 2015-2018
Heng Wu, M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016-2017
Rebekah Jessen, M.S. Biology, 2015-2016
Jerry Warmbold, M.S. Biology, 2014-2016
Victoria Danzeisen, M.S. Biology, 2013-2016
Christopher Boever, M.S. Biology, 2013-2016
Alex Cahlander-Mooers, M.S. Biology, 2013-2015
James Robertson, M.S. Biology, 2013-2015
David Harden, M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, 2012-2013
D. Non-classroom Teaching
D1. Honors Thesis Committees
(* indicates chair of committee, + indicated U Discover Summer Scholars Fellowship recipient)
Jedidiah Jacobson, B.S. Biology, 2018-present
Rachel Abele*, B.S. Sustainability and Psychology, 2018-present
Jessica Romero*, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2017-2018
Stephen Bakke, B.S. Economics, 2016-2017
Theresa Barnes, B.S. Biology, 2015-2018
Alexa Kruse*+, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2015-2018
Eric Fogarty, B.S. Biology, 2015-2016
Emily Roberson*+, B.A. Sustainability and Anthropology, 2014-2016
Sarah Kuegle, B.A. History, 2014-2016
Elena Tsakakis*+, B.S. Biology, 2014-2016
Jordan Foye, B.S. Earth Science, 2012-2013
D2. Independent Undergraduate Research Mentored
(* indicates U Discover Summer Scholars Fellowship recipient)
Jade Muller-Smit*, B.S. Biology and Political Science, 2019-present
Daniel Whirlwind Soldier Petite, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2018-present
Tanner Hall, B.S. Sustainability, 2017-present
Lilly Sencenbaugh, B.S. Sustainability, 2018
Marguerite Squyer*, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2016-2018
Erin Wetzstein, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2016-2018
Jasmine Kearney, B.S. Biology, 2016-2017
Nathan Bedoya, B.S. Sustainability, 2015-2016
Sydney Hancock, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2012-2015
Don Poeckes, B.S. Sustainability and Biology, 2014-2016
Ashley McKeown*, B.A. International Studies and Political Science, 2014-2015
Erica Kuharski*, B.S. Biology, 2014
Eva Soluk*, B.S. Biology, 2013-2014
Cole Heisey, B.A. Philosophy, 2012-2014
D3. Technology Fellows Mentored (through the Sustainability Program)
Taylor Thompson, B.S.Ed., Elementary Education, 2018-present
Brianna Olson, B.F.A., and B.B.S., Graphic Design and Marketing, 2017-present
Dusan Mirkovic, B.S. Medical Biology, 2016-2018
Katherine Bollinger, B.S. Biology, 2017
Kayla Johnston, B.S. Psychology, 2016
Shelby Huber, B.S. Media and Journalism, 2013-2015
D4. National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) Student Mentored
(*indicates students where Jarchow was the overall mentor and faculty mentor)
Pamela Jackson*, Temple University, 2018
Daniel Whirlwind Soldier Petite*, University of South Dakota, 2018
Tanner Hall*, University of South Dakota, 2018
Rachel (Anela) Napoleon, Creighton University, 2018
Abby Vidmar, Luther College, 2018
Yasmeen Sandoval, Nebraska Indian Community College, 2018
Lucas Goodman, Iowa State University, 2018
Angela Tricomi, Westfield State University, 2018
Marcella Jurotich, Carleton College, 2018
Leah Bayer, Youngstown State University, 2018
Dakota Swisher, Ohio Northern University, 2018
Aleisa LaBelle*, Nebraska Indian Community College, 2017
Shelley Kosola*, Nebraska Indian Community College, 2017
Kriston Lynn, University of South Dakota, 2017
Rebecca Krasky, Macalester College, 2017
Ethan Jennings, University of South Dakota, 2017
Tyler Seidel, University of South Dakota, 2017
Selena Olvera, University of South Dakota, 2017
Shaylyn Austin, University of Michigan, 2017
Bethany Vazquez Maestas, University of Puerto Rico, 2017
Geoffrey Gray-Lobe, Augustana College, 2017
Sebastian Ruiz, Florida International University, 2017
D5. Post-Undergraduate Student Mentored
Alison Bowers, Hanson School District, 2017
Pauline Vicaire, Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Toulouse, 2016
E. Teaching Workshops Attended
2018 Center for Teaching and Learning Course Design/Redesign Fellowship (5-day workshop)
2015 Earth Science and Sustainability Across the Curriculum (1-day workshop)
2014 InTeGrate Module Development Workshop (2 ½-day workshop)
2014 Center for Teaching and Learning Course Design/Redesign Fellowship (5-day workshop)
2014 College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Transformation Grant (½-day training)
2013 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop (2-day workshop)
A. Research Publications
Jarchow’s research has been cited 397 times with an h-index of 12 on Google Scholar. Jarchow’s research has 2,609 publication reads and has a RG score of 23.61 on ResearchGate.
For subsequent citations, * indicated graduate student author mentored by Jarchow and
** indicates undergraduate student author mentored by Jarchow
A1. Peer Reviewed Publications
Kordbacheh, F., Jarchow, M., English, L., Liebman, M. (2019) Productivity and diversity of annually harvested reconstructed prairie communities. Journal of Applied Plant Ecology 56: 330-342.
Barbanell, E., Jarchow, M., Ritter, J. (2019) Using ecosystem services to engage students in public dialogue about water resources. In David C Gosselin, Anne E. Egger, and J. John Taber (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future. Springer International Publishing, pp. 179-196.
Stoy, P., Ahmed, S., Jarchow, M., Rashford, B., Swanson, D., Albeke, S., Bromley, G., Brookshire, J., Dixon, M., Haggerty, J., Miller, P., Peyton, B., Royem, A., Sohl, T., Spangler, L., Straub, C., Poulter, B. (2018) Opportunities and tradeoffs between BECCS and food, water, energy, biodiversity, and social systems at regional scales. BioScience 68(2): 100-111.
Jarchow, M., Formisano, P., Nordyke, S., Sayre, M. (2017) Measuring longitudinal student performance on student learning outcomes in sustainability education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 19(3): 547-565.
Soluk, E. L.**, Jarchow, M., Carlisle, J. (2016). Declines in prairie bird populations following tallgrass prairie restoration. South Dakota Bird Notes 68(4): 85-93.
Barbanell, E., Jarchow, M., Ritter, J. (2016). In David Gosselin (Ed.), An ecosystem services approach to water resources. InTeGrate's Earth-focused Modules and Courses Peer Reviewed Collection.
Millikin, A. R.*, Jarchow, M., Olmstead, K. L., Krentz, R. E., Dixon, M. (2016). Site preparation drives long-term plant community dynamics in restored tallgrass prairie: A case study in southeastern South Dakota. Environmental Management 58(4): 597-605.
Jarchow, M. (2016). Using systems thinking to assess environmental justice issues. In Loren Byrne (Ed.), Learner-centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies. Springer International Publishing, pp. 215-220.
Dietzel, R., Liebman, M., Ewing, R., Helmers, M., Horton, R., Jarchow, M., Archontoulis, S. (2016). How efficiently do corn- and soybean-based cropping systems use water? A systems modeling analysis. Global Change Biology 22(2): 666-681.
Daign, A. L., Zhou, X., Helmers, M. J., Pederson, C. H., Horton, R., Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2015). Subsurface drainage nitrate and total reactive phosphorus losses in bioenergy-based prairies and corn systems. Journal of Environmental Quality, doi: 10.2134/jeq2015.02.0080.
Dietzel, R., Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2015). Above- and belowground growth, biomass, and nitrogen use in maize and reconstructed prairie cropping systems. Crop Science 55(2): 910-923.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M., Dhungel, S., Dietzel, R., Sundberg, D., Anex, R. P., Thompson, M. L., Chua, T. (2015). Trade-offs in agronomic, energetic, and environmental performance of corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 7(1): 57-71.
Nichols, V. A., Miguez, F. A., Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. Z., Dien, B. S. (2014). Comparison of cellulosic ethanol yields from Midwestern maize and reconstructed tallgrass prairie systems managed for bioenergy. BioEnergy Research 7(4): 1550-1560.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2013). Nitrogen fertilization increases diversity and productivity of prairie communities used for bioenergy. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 5(3): 281-289.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M., Rawat, V., Anex, R. P. (2012). Functional group and fertilization affect the composition and bioenergy yields of prairie plants. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4(6):671-679.
Kepner, W. G., Ramsey, M. M., Brown, E. S., Jarchow, M., Dickinson, K. J. M., Mark, A. F. (2012). Hydrologic futures: using scenario analysis to evaluate impacts of forecasted land-use change on hydrologic services. Ecosphere 3(7): 69.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2012). Nutrient enrichment reduces complementarity and increases priority effects in prairies managed for bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy 36: 381-389.
Jarchow, M., Kubiszewski, I., Larsen, G. D., Zdorkowski, G., Costanza, R., Gailans, S. R., e. a. (2012). The future of agriculture and society in Iowa: four scenarios. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 10: 76-92.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2012). Tradeoffs in biomass and nutrient allocation in prairies and corn managed for bioenergy production. Crop Science 52: 1330-1342.
Jarchow, M., Rice, J. W., Ritson, R. M., Hargreaves, S. K. (2011). Awareness and convenience important in increasing conference sustainability. Sustainability Science 6: 253-254.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2010). Incorporating prairies into multifunctional landscapes: establishing and managing prairies for enhanced environmental quality, livestock grazing and hay production, bioenergy production, and carbon sequestration (PMR 1007 ed.). Ames, IA: Iowa State University University Extension, 25 pages – revised in 2011.
Jarchow, M., Cook, B. J. (2009). Allelopathy as a mechanism for the invasion of Typha angustifolia. Plant Ecology 204: 113-124.
A2. Non-peer Reviewed Research Publications Published (n = 5)
Jarchow, M., Jennings, E., Lynn, K., Olvera, S., Seidel, T., LaBelle, A., Kosola, S., Austin, S., Gray-Lobe, G., Krasky, R., Ruiz, S., Vazquez Maestre, B., Jordan, B., Posthumus, D., Swanson, D., Kerby, J., Wesner, J., Dixon, M., Sweeney, M., Sayre, M., Rosenfeld, S. (2017). A sustainable approach to environmental management. Research Features(120), 54-57.
Sweeney, M., Jarchow, M. (2016). University of South Dakota - Sustainable Rivers: Integrating Earth Science and Sustainability Across the Curriculum. In David Steer and Cailin Huyck Orr (Ed.), InTeGrate's Model Programs that bring an Earth-focus to the Undergraduate Classroom.
Jarchow, M., Pettersen, M., Kruse, A.**, Port, S., Collier-Wise, K., Moen, J. R., Alexandrescu, A. (2016). Visioning Vermillion: Shared Stories of Our Future, 20 pages.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2014). Incorporating prairies into multifunctional landscapes. American Society of Agronomy.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M., Dhungel, S., Dietzel, R., Sundberg, D., Anex, R. P., Thompson, M. L., Chua, T. (2014). Tradeoffs in agronomic, energetic, and environmental performance of prairie and corn bioenergy cropping systems. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 92: 176.
Jarchow, M., Liebman, M. (2011). Maintaining multifunctionality as landscapes provide ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(9): 262.
B. Research Grants
See also Section II Part B for grants focused on pedagogy.
B1. Extramural Grants
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Swanson, D. (co-Principal), Grant, “Collaborative Research: NRT: MR.Sustain: The Missouri River and Its Basin as a Sustainable System”, National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,757,948. Pending
Berry, M. (Principal), Jarchow, M. (Supporting), Grant, "University of South Dakota: Research and Development Innovation FY19-FY20", South Dakota Board of Regents, State, $114,221 (Jarchow portion = $19,711). Funded, August 2019 – July 2000.
Stoy, P. (Principal), Jarchow, M. (Co-Principal), Swanson, D. (Co-Principal), Poulter, B. (Co-Principal), Rashford, B. (Co-Principal), Grant, "RII Track-2 FEC: Sustainable socio-economic, ecological, and technological scenarios for achieving global climate stabilization through negative CO2 emission policies", National Science Foundation, Federal, $6,000,000 (USD Subaward = $1,860,000). Funded, August 2016 – July 2020.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "REU Site: Sustainable RIVER (Remediating InVasives to Encourage Resilience)", National Science Foundation, Federal, $363,662. Funded, September 2016 – September 2019.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Prairies in multifunctional landscapes: Understanding the effects of disturbance and plant phenology (Year 2 continuation)", South Dakota Board of Regents, State, $21,536. Funded, August 2015 – June 2017.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Visioning a sustainable and desirable Vermillion", South Dakota Community Foundation, Private, $9,250. Funding is through Greening Vermillion, a non-profit organization that I chair, Funded, June 2015 – August 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Common nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) nesting ecology in an agriculturally dominated landscape: Susceptibility to land-use change", South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, State, $2,862. Funded, March 2015 – March 2016.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Prairies in multifunctional landscapes: Understanding the effects of disturbance and plant phenology", South Dakota Board of Regents, State, $24,965. Funded, August 2014 – August 21, 2015.
B2. Intramural Grants Received
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "Prairies in multifunctional landscapes: understanding the role of plant phenology and disturbance", Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, The University of South Dakota, $10,000. Funded, November 2013 – August 2014.
Jarchow, M. (Principal), Grant, "College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Summer Research Funds Program - Meghann Jarchow", College of Arts and Sciences, The University of South Dakota, $7,742. Funded, June 2014 – August 2014.
C. Other Activities
C1. Conference Presentations
(delivered by Jarchow at professional conferences since arriving at USD)
A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference, Washington DC, “Mapping social values toward land use in the Upper Missouri River Basin”, International, December 2018.
Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD “Social values towards current and future landscapes in the Upper Missouri River Basin”, Regional, November 2018.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, San Antonio, TX, "Using sustainability-themed undergraduate research programs to enhance student engagement in research", International, October 2017.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, San Antonio, TX, "Developing a doctoral program in sustainability", International, October 2017.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, San Antonio, TX, "Student learning outcomes in sustainability education: Faculty participation and measured student learning", International, October 2017.
Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Conference, Pella, IA, "Using sustainability as a framework to engage undergraduates in research", Regional, September 2017.
Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD, "Land-use change and sustainability: Visioning for the Upper Missouri River Basin", Regional, March 2017.
Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD, "Using the Missouri River for place-based education and research", Regional, April 2016.
American Society of Agronomy & Crop Science Society of America annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, "Nitrogen fertilization increases productivity and stability but not diversity in prairies managed for bioenergy", International, November 2015.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, MN, "Integrating community-based learning into the sustainability classroom: A practical, collaborative approach", International, October 2015.
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Workshop, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, "Incorporating prairies into multifunctional landscapes", Regional, October 2015.
Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Conference, Bemidji, MN, "Assessing student learning outcomes for sustainability: Curriculum mapping", Regional, June 2015.
Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Conference, Bemidji, MN, "Integrating community-based learning into the sustainability classroom: A practical, collaborative approach", Regional, June 2015.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Portland, OR, "Collaborative information literacy instruction for sustainability", International, October 2014.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Portland, OR, "Developing a sustainability curriculum", International, October 2014.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo, Portland, OR, "Using Earth Day as a catalyst: Creating a link between the university and community", International, October 2014.
Midwest-Great Lakes Society for Ecological Restoration Annual Meeting; Symposium title: Finding commercial uses for prairie vegetation in agricultural watersheds, Society for Ecological Restoration, St. Paul, MN, "Presentation title: Ecological and agronomic tradeoffs in prairies managed with nitrogen fertilization", Regional, March 2014.
Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Conference, Decorah, IA, "Developing a sustainability program at the University of South Dakota", Regional, November 2013.
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, "Tradeoffs in agronomic, energetic, and environmental performance of prairie and corn bioenergy cropping systems", International, August 2013.
South Dakota Biotech Association Annual Meeting, Sioux Falls, SD, "Tradeoffs in ecosystem goods and services for prairie bioenergy production", State, October 2012.
Agronomy Society of America Annual Meeting, OH, "Biomass production and ecosystem services in Iowa biofuel cropping systems", International, October 2012.
Systems, Society, Sustainability, and the Geosciences, Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College, Northfield, MN, "Using process-focused assessments for teaching sustainability", National, July 2012.
Transcending Sustainability: Principles and Paradigms Exploring Deep Sustainability Conference, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA, "Teaching transformative sustainability in higher education", National, June 2012.
C2. Other Published Materials
InTeGrate Implementation Program Leaders (2017). InTeGrate Implementation Programs - Synthesis of Lessons Learned.
Jarchow was one of multiple faculty members who developed this synthesis.
Sweeney, M., Jarchow, M. (2016). Using the Missouri River to Integrate Science and Sustainability Across the Curriculum. National Association of Geoscience Teachers In The Trenches 6(3): 5-6.
Jarchow, M. (2015). Spirit Mound as a learning laboratory. Spirit Mound Trust Newsletter.
Jarchow, M. (2014). Prairie progress at Spirit Mound. Spirit Mound Trust Newsletter.
C3. Workshops Led
Huyck Orr, C., Jarchow, M. (Co-Workshop Coordinators). Teaching Science in Society: Building Relevance and Interest for Undergraduates by Adding InTeGrate Resources to Your Class. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Half-day workshop attended by 12 faculty members, August 2016.
Jarchow, M., Sweeney, M. (Co-Workshop Coordinators) Sustainable Rivers – InTeGrate Workshop. Full day workshop for 11 USD faculty members, May 2015.
A. External Service
A1. Extramural Review Panels
2018 U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) Ecosystem Services and Agro-ecosystem Management and Bioenergy and Multifunctional Landscapes Panel Reviewer (December 2018)
2018 National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS: U.S.-China) Panel Reviewer (February 2018)
2017 U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) Ecosystem Services and Agro-ecosystem Management and Bioenergy and Multifunctional Landscapes Panel Reviewer (November 2017)
A2. Grant, Journal, and Book Reviewing
2018 South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) – Small Grants Competition
2016 National Science Foundation External Reviewer – Research Experiences for Undergraduates
2014 World Hunger: Ten Myths by Frances Moore Lappé Invited External Reviewer
Ad-hoc peer reviewer for the following journals since beginning at USD:
Agronomy Journal, Applied Vegetation Science, Environmental Studies and Sciences Journal, Global Change Biology, Global Change Biology Bioenergy, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Land, Landscape, Landscape Ecology, PLoS One, Political Science Education, and South Dakota Academy of Science
A3. State and Regional Service
2018-present EcoSun Prairie Farms Board of Directors Member
2012-present Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Steering Committee Member
2017 SD EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Symposium Poster Judge
2015-2016 Science Olympiad Session Leader
2012 New Academy of Sustainability Committee Member
A4. Local Service
2017-present River Appreciation Day Steering Committee Member
2014-present Greening Vermillion Co-founder and Chairperson
2013-present Vermillion Earth Days Co-founder and Coordinator
2012-present Spirit Mound Trust Board of Directors Member – President since 2018
2016-2017 It’s All About Science Poster Judge
2014-2015 Women in Science Session Leader
2013-2014 Missouri River Clean-up Committee Member
A5. Consulting
2017 Gustavus Adolphus College Johnson Center for Environmental Innovation Invited Reviewer
A6. Other Activities
2015 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference and Expo Presentation Reviewer
2014-present Regular contributions to youth education including K-12 school guest lectures, developing and leading field trip sessions, developing and leading Girl Scout sessions, developing and leading sessions in partnership with local non-profit organizations (~400 children/year)
2012-present Regular contributions to (mostly local and regional) media through interviews for newspaper articles, magazine stories, and radio and television programs; often with a focus on increasing awareness about the Sustainability Program (~20/year)
B. University Service
B1. University and College of Arts and Sciences Service
2018-present College of Arts and Sciences Enrollment Management Committee
2017-present Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Advisory Council Member
2015-present Phi Beta Kappa Committee Member
2012-present Missouri River Institute Affiliated Faculty
2012-present College of Arts and Sciences Science/Math Division Secretary
2012-present Guest lectures in Biology, Psychology, Media & Journalism, Arts & Sciences, Honors (~2 guest lectures/year)
2014-present IdeaFest Session Moderator
2014-2019 Presidents’ Joint Committee on Sustainability Member
2016-2018 College of Arts and Sciences Blue Ribbon Task Force Member
2015-2018 Academic and Career Planning Center Career and Internship Task Force Member
2014-2016 College of Arts and Sciences Diversity in the Curriculum Committee
2013-2015 Scholarship Recognition Days Interviewer
2012-2013 Center for Teaching and Learning Grants Task Force Member
B2. Sustainability Program Service
2015-present External Sustainability Advisory Committee Chair
2012-present Faculty Sustainability Advisory Committee Chair
2012-present Sustainability Program Recruitment Coordinator
2012-2018 Sustainability Series Coordinator
2012-2018 Sustainability Program Newsletter Author and Editor
2014-2016 Sustainability Program Online Coordinator
B3. Department of Biology Service
2013-2016 Graduate Travel Committee Member (2013-2014), Chair (2015-2016)
2014-2016 Committee for Department Improvement Member
2012-2013 Graduate Student Steering Committee Member
2012-2013 Ecosystem Ecologist Search Committee Member
B4. Service to Students
2018-present Hult Prize Faculty Advisor
2013-present Sustainability Club Faculty Advisor
2017-2018 ‘Yote Bike Share Program Faculty Coordinator
2017-2018 Give and Go (Move-out Day Waste Reduction Program) Faculty Coordinator
2015-2018 Veg Circle Faculty Advisor
B5. Trainings Completed
2019 Racial Equity/Racial Justice Training
2018 Crossroads Anti-racism Training
2018 Chairs Leadership Development Workshop
2018 Be SMART: Creating Inclusive Program Goals
2018 South Dakota Board of Regents Leadership Training
2018 Inclusive Excellence: Engaged Pedagogy
2017 Inclusive Mentoring (10-week program)
2017 Bridges: Taking Action
2016 Responsible Conduct of Research (9-week program)
2015 Bridges: Building a Supportive Community
2015 CITI Program Training – Social Behavioral Research Curriculum
2014 Safe Zone Training